
Thursday, July 19, 2012

How to Take Care of Hands and Nails at Home

Health not only means to prevent or cure from diseases or relieve from pain. If our health is good then we feel good in every aspect of our lives socially, physically and expressively. Taking the care of our hands and nails is also essential to maintain good health because we eat with our hands and if our nails are dirty then all the dirt will get into our mouth which can affect our health. So, it is essential to keep our nails clean.

Here are some of the tips of keeping our nails clean which are as follows:-

How to Take Care of Hands and Nails at Home
1. For smooth hands and nails:
Smoothness of nails and hands is the first step to begin with the care of nails and hands. There are several sites available over the internet in which you can get information about caring your hand and nails.
  • To make hands soft you should wear woolen gloves in the season of winter.
  • You can also take a massage of olive oil on your hands and nails. After taking a massage of olive oil, put on gloves and wait for 20 minutes you will feel softness in your hands.
  • Dipping your hands in warm water with mild soap that contains extracts of olive oil or almond and then dry hands and nails. Wet a towel with hot water and wrap your hands until it cools. Take a massage with jojoba oil.

2. Avoid chemical: 
Applying cheap nail polish to your nails is harmful for your nails and using nail polish remover to remove nail polish which is not very strong can also affect your nails. So, it is advisable not to use chemicals and a cheap nail polish for your nails.

3. For yellow nails:
Rub them with half a lemon at night before bed and clear your hands in the next morning. Repeat this action continuously for a couple of days and you will see partial clearing of yellow spots and streaks from the nails.

4. To shape your nails:
Filing your nails is the best method to take care of them because by filing nail grows very fast and it eliminates dead zones of the nail and shapes. It also acts as an aesthetic for a good presentation of nails. If you file nail by yourself, you must be careful when doing so, to avoid damaging the cuticles because the cuticle is one of the most sensitive parts of the nail. While filing, remove the dead cuticles with wet cotton swab.

5. Prevention and care for your nails:
  • Do not eat the nails, if you do this then it may also affect your health.
  • Protect your nails from soaps and detergents. It is better to wash your hands with cold water rather than using warm water.
  • Moisturize your hands after washing because it helps the nails not to lose strength.
  • Add more fruits to your diet to prevent stretch marks and weakness in them.